How will late Annual Recertifications be handled on the voucher?

Haca Mis Vouchers

Category: Vouchers

A recertification must be submitted for each household at least annually in order to ensure that the proper amount of assistance is given to each. Per the HUD Handbook 4350.3 Rev-1, Chg. 4 Section 7-6, “HUD has instructed Contract Administrators to terminate assistance payments to an owner if a new annual recertification has not been completed and submitted through TRACS within 15 months after the previous year’s anniversary date.”

SHCC will continue to process voucher payments based on the last certification received for three voucher cycles, in the event that an annual recertification is not received on its due date. On the fourth month that the annual recertification is overdue, SHCC will halt processing until a termination or annual is received.