COVID-19 Supplemental Payments (CSP) Round III Additional Funding Availability

Sarah Snow Uncategorized

HUD Releases Housing Notice 2021-01

“Continued Availability of Funds for COVID-19 Supplemental Payments for Properties Receiving Project-Based Rental Assistance under the Section 8, Section 202, or Section 811 Programs” 

Today, HUD has published Housing Notice 2021-01, which officially starts Round 3 of application submissions for owners.

Please read the full notice here, but a few need-to-knows:

  • PPE associated with vaccination and testing events are now included costs.
  • This third round covers expenses from December 1, 2020, through March 31, 2021.
  • If you have not previously submitted requests, you may do so now using several separate submissions or one combined submission.
  • Submissions are due to SHCC by April 26, 2021, at 11:59pm.
  • The new HUD Form 52671-E can be found here.

All CSP submissions should be sent to

Additionally, please contact us at the above email with any questions or concerns, or if you need assistance in completing the claim form, and staff member contact you directly.

Be on the lookout! SHCC plans to release additional guidance early next week to assist in the preparation of submissions.

COVID-19 Supplemental Payments – Possible Third Round

Sarah Snow Special Claims, Uncategorized, Vouchers

SHCC anticipates a 3rd round of HUD COVID-19 Supplemental Payments (CSPs) as soon as April 2021 for the period December 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021.  Here are some need-to-knows from the first two rounds:

– CSP claims cover most COVID-related expenses, including PPE, additional sanitization services of public areas, COVID-related staffing costs, and more. 

– Tier I claims are relatively quick and easy, and should take approximately 20 minutes to complete

– The average SHCC-approved Tier I claim has been for: $3,135– COVID-related expenses are NOT Reserve for Replacement eligible. 

– If you missed the time frames covered by the first two rounds that date back to March 27, 2020, this 3rd CSP round may provide an opportunity for you to recoup those expenses.

We would like to help all owners and agents, especially those who have not previously submitted, with timely and accurate applications for COVID-19 related costs reimbursement. This survey is intended to help SHCC in future outreach and training efforts associated with CSP claims.  Your input is greatly appreciated! 

Take the CSP Survey