March AHMA East Texas Trainings

Sarah Snow Uncategorized

Webinar:  GIG Income & New Age Assets — All Programs with Gwen Volk

Thursday, March 16, 2023, 10:30 AM – Noon CST

Join Gwen as she teaches us how to handle Gig income and New Age Assets at your multifamily affordable property.  This course is also applicable to Tax Credit programs.

Numerous online platforms make it possible for our residents and applicants to generate income from assets they possess such as boats and homes, and connect with customers to provide other goods or services like rides, household chores, or technology services, to name but a few.  Meanwhile, assets have expanded from the sticks and bricks bank down the street and a plot of land to include cybercurrency and on-line payment, banking and fund-raising options.

Finding out about and then verifying and calculating income from the gig economy and new age assets is a challenge for the property manager. And regardless of the program, neither the oversight agencies nor our rule books give us much help on how to do this. This course shows you the basics of working with these 21st century sources and doing your due diligence to help ensure that the right benefits are going to the right individuals.

Register Now for Gig Income & New Age Assets with Gwen Volk

IN PERSON SEMINAR (Houston, Texas)

REAC & UPCS with Alejandro Dominguez

Wednesday, March 29, 2023, Registration starts at 8:30 a.m.  Class 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. CST

Please join us for this in-person seminar in Houston, Texas.  Alejandro Dominguez will teach us about REAC & UPCS. 

Here are the topics that will be covered:

  • Topic 1: A brief introduction to REAC & UPCS (why a good score matters) and UPCS Scoring explained (so you don’t waste time and money on items that will not affect your score).
  • Topic 2: Introduction to NSPIRE with comparison to the current UPCS protocol. We will discuss how REAC will schedule the initial NSPIRE inspections (how to know if your property will be up first), along with proposed changes to the REAC inspector protocol (changes to building count procedures, new pre-inspection property requirements, how often NSPIRE inspections will occur, etc).
  • Topic 3: Breakdown of the current highest scoring UPCS deficiencies, which will also include NSPIRE corrective actions for each item.

Register Now for Seminar REAC & UPCS with Alejandro Dominguez

CSP Round 5 Requests due February 21, 2023

Sarah Snow Uncategorized

On Friday, February 3, 2023, HUD released the final version of HUD 52671-E CSP Request Form to be used in owner submissions for the fifth and final round of COVID-19 Supplemental Payments (CSPs).

Owners can submit payment requests for expenses incurred through January 31, 2023. The deadline to submit CSP requests to SHCC for processing is February 21, 2023.

For more information click on the link below:

CSP Round 5 Request Form Available – Submit Your Request Now!

Sarah Snow Uncategorized

On Friday, February 3, 2023, HUD released the final version of HUD 52671-E CSP Request Form to be used in owner submissions for the fifth and final round of COVID-19 Supplemental Payments (CSPs).

Owners can now submit payment requests for expenses incurred through January 31, 2023. The deadline to submit CSP requests to SHCC for processing is February 21, 2023.

For more information click on the link below:

February AHMA East Texas Trainings

Sarah Snow Uncategorized

Webinar:  Updating AFHMP on a Budget with Jenny DeSilva

Monday, February 13, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM CST

Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plans (AFHMP) must be reviewed and updated, if necessary, every five years.  The AFHMP Form 935.2A now requires owners to gather and report demographic information from their existing tenant population, their waiting list and their surrounding community via census data.  However, the new census resources online are intimidating and technical to navigate. 

This advanced, interactive session is designed for housing professionals needing to update their Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP).  We will demonstrate the process by completing the online census research for a “sample property” and provide tips on the best ways to ensure your revised plan is a complete submission. 

Finally, lean inexpensive, set effective, advertising and marketing techniques to attact applicants to your property without blowing your advertising budget.

Register Now for Updating AFHMP on a Budget

Webinar: HUD Occupancy FAQs with Gwen Volk

Wednesday, February 22, 2023 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM CST

Staff struggle to find proper guidance/answers to the following questions. 

  • How do you calculate child support – especially when it is not consistent or sporadic? Do you include lump sum payments for child support?  If a resident has a court order to collect child support but is not currently receiving it, do I need to have proof they are cooperating with collecting the child support?
  • How do I decide which bonuses are to be included as income on the 50059?
  • Are lottery winnings included as income on the 50059? If so, how is it calculated?
  • Are gambling winnings shown as income on the 50059? If so, how is it calculated.?
  • Should I count recurring monetary gifts from friends/family when the family member or friend varies from month to month?
  • How do I ceritify/recertify a zero Income household? Can I require them to come in every 90 days to be re-interviewed about their income?
  • How do I verify “new” employment income when they only have 1 or 2 paystubs and the employer is not cooperating with requests to verify the income?
  • Can I use The Work Number as verification of income?
  • How do I calculate income for seasonal employment (i.e. school bus driver, landscaper, etc.)?
  • When am I required to recertify residents whose income is home health care when they get a patient/lose a patient and the change is frequent?
  • What is considered Federal Wages and Non‐Federal Wages?
  • What types of student financial aid can be income and when are they considered income?
  • Do I include the income of a full time student (over the age of 18)? 
  • I have an applicant at my Section 8 property.  Their family composition is Head of household (noneligible, non-citizen), 21 year old full time student earning $12,000 in employment, 18 year old full time student earning $15,000 in employment, 8 year old dependent. Is this family eligible to move into my property?
  • What is the difference between earned income and unearned income of dependents?
  • If I have 5 consecutive bank statements, can I calculate the average since I have the beginning and ending balances for 6 months? Also, if I have 5 months of statements but
    missing one in the middle (I can still identify the beginning and ending balance for the missing statement), can I use that for verification of the average?
  • I have 6 consecutive paychecks (gets paid weekly) and can tell they are consecutive because the year to date matches on each paycheck, however, the pay period covered by
    the 6 paychecks is 10 weeks. Do I add $0 for each week when no paycheck was received?
  • Are we allowed to use the annual social security tri‐fold letter to verify income for my January, February and March annuals and any new move ins? If not, why not? (no date
    of the tri-fold award letter).
  • I have 6 bank statements. How do I calculate the average when some of the ending balances are negative?

Come get the answers to these questions from Gwen Volk.

Register Now for HUD Occupancy FAQs

HUD partners with HHS to provide FREE COVID-19 test kits to Section 202 Properties

Sarah Snow Uncategorized

On December 22, 2022, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced that Owners of Section 202 elderly properties may register with the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) at the Health Partner Ordering Portal (HPOP) and request weekly shipments of COVID-19 test kits to be delivered to their property for distribution. This registration site is now open for all Section 202 Elderly properties. 

Click the link to register:

For more information, click here:

January AHMA East Texas Trainings

Sarah Snow Uncategorized

EIV Fundamentals – Master Binder Reports, Existing Tenant Search, Income Reports with Jenny DeSilva

Wednesday, January 11, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM CST

Does EIV have you stumped?  What reports do you print?  When do you report an EIV report?  How do you print an EIV report?  Where do you store an EIV report?

In this introductory EIV course, participants will be provided a concise overview of monthly and quarterly EIV Master Binder reports, when and how to print them and where are they stored.  We will also discuss when to run the Existing Tenant Search, how to print them and what to do when someone shows up as living at another HUD property.  Finally, we will discuss when and how to print the 4 EIV Income reports. 

This fundamental class will give staff a clear summary of steps they must take to ensure their tenant files and EIV Master Files are organized and ready for assessment during upcoming Management and Occupancy Reviews and avoid the 5% EIV penalty on your monthly vouchers.

NOTE:  EIV Discrepancy Resolutions is a separate class and will not be covered as part of this Fundamentals Class. 

Register Now

HUD Recertifications: Annual and Interim with Gwen Volk

Thursday, January 19, 2023 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM CST

The requirement to do Annual and Interim Recertifications on a HUD property can feel like being chased by a freight train. The course will include:

  • Annual Recertification basics including timing, procedures, notices to residents, and effective dates of changes in rent and HAP based on the resident’s cooperation or non-cooperation, the amount of time the owner has to process, owner caused delays, and the cooperation of verifiers.
  • Interim Recertification basics when tenants must report, owner’s responsibilities, effective dates of rent and HAP changes when tenant does and does not report timely.
  • Current HUD guidance on COVID and recertification.
  • Tips on how to stay on top of the situation and drive your own train.

Register Now

December AHMA East Texas Trainings

Sarah Snow Uncategorized

How to Implement an AFHMP with Gwen Volk

Tuesday, December 13, 2022 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM CST

So, you’ve written your Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan and HUD, RD or the State Agency has approved it.  Now what? Bring the plan you are trying to implement and we will dissect it together. Even if you didn’t write the plan but are the one on site having to implement it, this course is also for you! This course reviews where the information came from and what it means, teaches you how to implement and train staff on the plan, keep and organize records, track results, and prove ongoing compliance.  We will also discuss how to perform the 5-year review of the plan, how to determine if the plan needs to be revised, and how to report the changes or lack of changes to HUD.  Register for Class

Interviewing Applicants at Move-In with Gwen Volk

Thursday, December 15, 2022 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CST

Whether your property is HUD, Tax Credit, RD, HOME or Bond, learn how to effectively and efficiently conduct the all-important applicant interview to ensure that assistance goes to families who are qualified and/or protect your owners credits. This course covers how to establish rapport, gain trust, and ask the right questions in the right way while ensuring a consistent scripted approach to prevent costly fair housing mistakes. Includes tips on interviewing applicants face to face, by telephone and via a virtual app and interviewing persons with various types of disabilities. Participants will apply what they are learning through in class polls on common situations they encounter.  Register for class