As part of its commitment to provide affordable housing, HUD recognizes that owners of affordable housing have a potential financial risk because of the limitation on security deposits they are permitted to require and the need to adhere to waiting list requirements when vacancies occur. Therefore, owners may be reimbursed for some of their financial loss through the special claims process.
SHCC will receive and process requests for Special Claims for Vacancy Losses After Rent-Up and Special Claims for Unpaid Rent and Tenant Damages.
- Vacancy Losses After Rent-Up is compensation to the property owner for the loss of rental income of a unit that was previously occupied by an assisted tenant when the unit has been vacant for circumstances beyond the owner’s control.
- A Special Claim for Unpaid Rent and Tenant Damages is reimbursement to a property owner for a former resident’s failure to pay monthly rent or other charges or for damages caused by the negligence or abuse of the former resident.
SHCC adheres to the requirements of the HUD-4350.3 REV-1 and the Special Claims Processing Guide when processing these claims. Submitting special claims for the first time can be tricky. Therefore, SHCC will work with owners to successfully submit claims in compliance with all HUD guidelines. Please contact Lisa Muraida, Senior HAP Subsidy Analyst, for additional assistance.