AHMA East Texas In Person Training – REAC/NSPIRE

Sarah Snow Uncategorized

IN PERSON SEMINAR (Houston, Texas)

REAC & UPCS with Alejandro Dominguez

Wednesday, March 29, 2023, Registration starts at 8:30 a.m.  Class 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. CST

Please join us for this in-person seminar in Houston, Texas.  Alejandro Dominguez will teach us about REAC & UPCS. 

Here are the topics that will be covered:

  • Topic 1: A brief introduction to REAC & UPCS (why a good score matters) and UPCS Scoring explained (so you don’t waste time and money on items that will not affect your score).
  • Topic 2: Introduction to NSPIRE with comparison to the current UPCS protocol. We will discuss how REAC will schedule the initial NSPIRE inspections (how to know if your property will be up first), along with proposed changes to the REAC inspector protocol (changes to building count procedures, new pre-inspection property requirements, how often NSPIRE inspections will occur, etc).
  • Topic 3: Breakdown of the current highest scoring UPCS deficiencies, which will also include NSPIRE corrective actions for each item.

Register Now for Seminar REAC & UPCS with Alejandro Dominguez