HUD Publishes RAD Supplemental Notice

Sarah Snow Uncategorized

On July 27, 2023, HUD published a Supplement to the RAD Notice making changes to the RAD Notice in order to implement certain changes to the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) authorized under the FY 2022 Appropriations Act, as well as other changes.

Key changes made in the supplement include revisions to: RAD for PRAC Initial Contract Rent Setting, Resident Engagement, Energy Efficiency and Climate Resilience, Treatment of Zero-HAP families, Housing Quality Standards, Radon Policies in RAD Conversions, Faircloth-to-RAD Developments, and RAD/Section 18 Blend Streamlining.

The changes in the Notice are effective immediately following publication in the Federal Register. These provisions are subject to a 30-day comment period. If HUD receives comment that leads to reconsideration of any changes contained within the Supplemental Notice, HUD will notify the public in a new revision. Please submit all comments to

Check HUD’s RAD page for the latest information on RAD or to join the RAD listserv.