CARES Act COVID-19 Supplemental Payments

Sarah Snow Uncategorized

SHCC ListServ #211:

CARES Act COVID-19 Supplemental Payments (CSP)
Greetings Owners, Agents, and Site Staff, 

We have some important news! HUD has set aside funds from the CARES Act to help eligible Section 8 project owners offset some operating expense increases incurred to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the Coronavirus pandemic. HUD is expected to release a detailed Housing Notice next week on the steps required to submit a COVID-19 Supplemental Payment (CSP) request. SHCC will be processing your CSP requests, and we are currently taking all necessary steps to be fully prepared to expedite your requests in the manner you have come to expect from us. As we await further instructions from HUD, here are some key points. 

What you need to know: 
▪Funding is broken into two categories: Tier 1 (claim requests that are below a HUD-set monetary threshold based on property type and number of units) and Tier 2 (claim requests that exceed the HUD threshold amount). 

▪Tier 1 claim requests require only the completed CSP Claim Checklist and CSP Request Form (HUD 52670-E), while Tier 2 claim requests require additional documentation and receipts supporting operating expenses. 

▪Other factors considered in the threshold calculation include elderly status, Service Coordinator funding, number of assisted units, cash surplus, MOR/REAC scores, and timely voucher submissions.  

▪Owners may submit one claim request per property, to include all eligible expenses between 3/27/2020 and 7/31/2020. The HUD Notice will include information about what is considered an eligible expense. 

▪Complete claim submissions will include: Owner CSP Claim Checklist, HUD Form-52670-E, and paid receipts for items owners expended due to COVID-19 during HUD’s timeframe (if the amount exceeds the Tier I threshold). All Forms will be made available upon release of the HUD Notice.

ALL claim submissions must be sent directly to SHCC (not HUD). Please email all submissions and CSP-related questions toCARES@shccnet.orgGiven the quick turnaround requested by HUD, submissions must be made electronically.

▪While not first come, first serve, the window for submitting complete claim requests will be very short – possibly less than 2 weeks. Additionally, incomplete claim submissions must be corrected within 2 business days or they will be rejected.    

What you can do now to prepare: 
▪Begin gathering supporting documentation for all COVID-related operating expenses incurred between 3/27/2020 and 7/31/2020.

▪Check the HUD and SHCC websites frequently for the released Housing Notice. Please contact us at with any questions or concerns.
